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As we step into the new year, I'm thrilled to join this incredible community.
For me personally, this marks the beginning of a journey filled with opportunities, growth, and exciting new experiences. My hope this year is to foster an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and inspired to achieve their best.
To the parents, thank you for entrusting us with your children's education. Your support and involvement will be invaluable, as we can create a nurturing and empowering environment for our students to thrive.
For me personally, this marks the beginning of a journey filled with opportunities, growth, and exciting new experiences. My hope this year is to foster an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and inspired to achieve their best.
To the parents, thank you for entrusting us with your children's education. Your support and involvement will be invaluable, as we can create a nurturing and empowering environment for our students to thrive.
Let's embrace this journey together with enthusiasm, kindness, and a commitment to excellence. Remember, each day is a chance to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on ourselves and those we encounter.
As we begin 2025 and in this Jubilee Year, we look towards our diocesan theme, ‘One Call. One Mission. Pilgrims of hope,’ it is worth reflecting on the words of Pope Francis. “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and farsighted vision.”
Thank you, and let's make this year exceptional!
Warm regards,
David Treloar
Playground Update.
The recent holidays were a hive of activity as we worked tirelessly to prepare our environment for an amazing 2025. I was so pleased to hear that the community had noticed changes already and I am anticipating that that will continue when landscaping retaining walls( the bank) and mowing contractors are finalised.
I am excited to announce that on Monday the 24th February, work will begin on our new playground equipment, complete with a new shade shelter. This new addition will provide all our students with a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for play and learning.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all our students. To ensure that children play games that are suitable for their age, skill level, and development, we have designated specific areas for different activities:
- Top Field: Reserved for primary children to play ball games and running games.
- Bottom Field: Designated for infants to enjoy ball games and running games.
- COLA Area: A shaded, passive area for all students to engage in non-running games.
- Top Quadrangle (Yellow Quad): Assigned for primary students to play handball.
- Library Quite passive area for all students who want to play board games, read and escape from the heat. Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday
- Playground Equipment: Currently reserved for Kindergarten to Year 3 students.
As previously mentioned, we will be removing and replacing the playground equipment in the coming weeks. The new equipment will feature a shade cloth roof to enhance safety and comfort. Once the equipment is ready, we will schedule specific times for infants and primary children to explore and enjoy it. This will allow children to climb, slide, and swing with peers of similar strength and size.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
It’s been so wonderful to meet so many of you on the Lovell Pde exit. Thank you for saying hello and introducing yourselves.
To make sure that children and families leave safely and quickly we would like to encourage some of the following considerations when we pick up our children in the afternoons.
- Parking - if you are coming into the school to pick up your child, we respectfully ask that you do not park on the school side of Lovell Pde between the church and the bottom gate. This greatly hampers the smooth flow of the Valet Pickup line. Please consider parking in the church carpark and walking down the short 50m into the school.
- Valet Pickup - please be patient and wait the 30 seconds for the car in front of you to secure their children before they move off. Be mindful of the traffic coming down the hill from the carpark. Also be mindful if you are across residents’ driveways and please try to secure your child as quickly as possible.
- Sandgate Rd - Please do not call your children to cross the road unescorted. Those children that do need to cross will be escorted to the lights by a teacher.
We are fortunate to live in such a welcoming and open neighbourhood. Parents are asked to be respectful of the private property of our neighbours and not to venture into their yards or play in the front lawns as you make your way to cars parked in the church or surrounding streets.
Parent and carer groups established within schools offer an opportunity for families, school staff and Clergy to gather, explore, discuss, imagine, implement, support, encourage and journey together as we work in community for the benefit of all children and young people enrolled in our schools. OLV values the wonderful support and generosity of the parent body in supporting our school.
In 2025, the OLV school community will operate as a Family and Community Engagement Forum (FACE Forum). Documents outlining the requirements for these forums will be provided in the near future but may vary on the way OLV has operated in the past.
I will be putting out a compass push in the coming weeks to organise our first meeting and plan the year.
I am looking forward to working with you all.
A Message About eSafety
Our Lady of Victories is committed to helping students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be safe and respectful users of technology. With the school year skipping away already, now is the perfect time to have conversations with your children about online safety. I have approached the local Police Liaison Officer/Youth worker for her to come into our senior classes to discuss online safety.
To support this, the eSafety Commissioner ( has practical resources to help with hard-to-have conversations, information for children under 5and cyberbullying.
To learn more, visit eSafety parents and share this with your friends and family!
We are also aware that students’ online experiences often move seamlessly between school and home, and are therefore aiming to develop, with your support, a whole-of-community approach to keeping our students safe online.
We will be sharing a range of information, tips and resources for parents and carers from the
eSafety Commissioner ( that you can use with your family to help create positive
experiences for your children online. We encourage all parents and carers to keep an eye for any information you can use to build your
knowledge, skills and understanding of online safety.
Reporting when something goes wrong online
If your child experiences something harmful online such as cyberbullying, image-based abuse or
illegal and restricted content, you can report it directly to the social media service, game, app or
website where the incident occurred.
Often young people will need the support of an adult to report. The eSafety Commissioner
( advises taking the following steps:
- Collect evidence before reporting to the platform or taking other action. If the issue is ongoing,
make sure you collect screenshots showing what has been happening and for how long.
- Report to the platform where it happened. Use The eSafety Guide to help you. After you report,
the service may remove the content straight away. They may also block those responsible or
delete their account. If the post involves something illegal like grooming, they may refer it to law
enforcement or another agency to take further action.
- If the platform does not take action, you or your child can report it to eSafety. eSafety will ask
you to complete an online reporting form and include evidence.
Online safety for every family
The eSafety Commissioner ( has released resources to help parents and carers from
all backgrounds protect their families online. The Online Safety for Every Family resources cover how to:
- get started with social media
- enjoy safer online gaming
- help your child if they are bullied online.
And to make sure more families can start a conversation with their children about online safety,
the resources are available in English, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Burmese, Dari, Hindi, Nepali,
Punjabi, Sinhalese, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrinya, Uyghur and Vietnamese.
School Improvement Goals (Learning and Wellbeing)
As we embark on this new academic year, OLV remains dedicated to continuous improvement in both learning and wellbeing. This year, our key focus areas are:
· Learning: Consistent practices across all classrooms with a focus on strategies for reading and comprehension.
· Wellbeing: Consistent approach to managing and supporting student wellbeing and behaviour.
During the year, staff will undertake teacher professional development in these areas to ensure high-quality teaching practices that benefit all learners. You will be kept up to date with school initiatives regarding these goals in future newsletters and FACE meetings.
Staff News
We are delighted to welcome two new staff members to OLV this year, Mrs Jasmine Plummer and Mrs Leonie Brown. Mrs Plummer is our new Learning Support Teacher and will be working alongside Mrs McCallum and Mrs Homer in this role and will be supporting both the students and teachers in Stage 2 (Year 3 and Year 4). Mrs Brown will be working with me on Year 6.
Additionally, we congratulate Mrs Hannah Matheson on securing the Aboriginal Education Teacher role permanently within our school. Mrs Matheson, who held this role last year has a skill in building meaningful connections and provide culturally responsive support which has enriched the learning environment and inclusivity and respect for Aboriginal heritage.
We also extend our warmest congratulations to Miss Rhianon O’Bree and her fiancé Ben, on their recent engagement! This exciting milestone marks the beginning of a wonderful new chapter, and we couldn’t be happier for them. We wish Rhianon and Ben all the best as they plan their celebrations.
School Attendance- It matters!
As a parent, ensuring your child attends school daily is vital for their academic success and overall well-being. Regular attendance is a key contributor to student achievement and plays a significant role in shaping their future. At OLV, the school day begins promptly at 8:50am. Arriving on time ensures that students are ready to engage in their learning from the very beginning of the day.
The benefits of consistent school attendance go far beyond academics, instilling essential skills and values that prepare students for success both in school and in life.
Attending school every day provides a seamless learning experience, where each lesson builds upon the last, reinforcing knowledge and ensuring students stay on track with their peers. This continuous engagement helps them grasp key concepts, keeping their progress steady and aligned with the curriculum.
Beyond academics, regular attendance cultivates crucial life skills such as discipline, punctuality, and accountability. Establishing a daily routine teaches students the importance of commitment and responsibility—qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives. It also fosters resilience, helping them navigate and overcome everyday challenges in their educational journey.
Socially, being present at school strengthens students' ability to build and maintain meaningful relationships with classmates and teachers. Daily interactions enhance communication skills, emotional intelligence, and a sense of community, all of which contribute to their emotional and mental well-being.
If your child is unwell or unable to attend school, you are to explain your child’s absence in Compass. You have only 7 days to explain your child’s absence on Compass, if you don’t the absence will be marked as ‘unexplained’. Student attendance will be monitored closely, and contact will be made with parents regarding absenteeism when required.
Period Positivity @ OLV
What is period poverty?
Period poverty is when people who menstruate don’t have access to the products, hygiene facilities and education they need to manage their periods.
What is period positivity?
Period Positivity is about making periods normal. From free period care products to more informative discussions, the initiative aims to promote greater accessibility, equity and dignity for all.
About the Period Positivity Program
Period poverty is the lack of access to sanitary products, menstrual hygiene education and inadequate toilet facilities. It is also the stigma and feelings of shame and embarrassment of a normal bodily function, and subsequent impacts on mental health.
In 2022 students from St Paul’s Catholic College Booragul advocated for female hygiene products to be made available in school toilets to provide access, equity and dignity to students who menstruate. A Diocese-wide working group was formed to investigate the impact of period poverty in our schools and lead the way in addressing the issues by exploring the feasibility of:
1. Installing free period products in dispensing machines in our schools, aligned with the placement of the sanitary bins.
2. Developing an awareness education program for schools in conjunction with the syllabus.
3. Developing a policy that will help reinforce the promotion of dignity, gender equality and reproductive health.
The working group soon developed an initiative called Period Positivity. The initiative is about making periods normal. From free period care products to more informative discussions, the initiative aims to promote greater accessibility, equity and dignity for all.
In 2022 a pilot program was conducted at St Paul’s Catholic College Booragul, trialling the installation of sanitary dispensing machines with the provision of free sanitary products at the school. The trial was very successful – with strong survey results in addition to positive student engagement and feedback.
Due to the success of the trial, dispensers were rolled out across all Diocesan Secondary schools in 2023. This is being followed up with a rollout across Primary schools in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle across 2024.
The Period Positivity initiative to commence at Our Lady of Victories starting Term 1 in Week 5.
· Sanitary products will be available to students for free, via dispensers in the toilet blocks.
· If students find themselves needing pads, they will be available from the dispensers.
· Students will still be able to use their own products, but there will be the option to use the free products provided in the female toilets for those who need them.
The product roll-out will be complemented by an educational awareness program that will be deployed to students. Professional Learning resources will enable teachers to be competent and confident to deliver the educational materials such as Menstrual health; information about periods and anatomy, dispelling myths, products, accessibility, gender equity and promoting dignity. For more information, please visit .
Stage 3 Camp
the Stage 3 over night excursion to Great Aussie Bush Camp is fast approaching! Details regarding the camp will be shared soon, however I remind families that payment for the excursion will need to be finalised prior to the excursion.
Thank you for your continued support in making our school a welcoming and thriving learning environment. We look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Amber Deegan
Assistant Principal
Religious Coordinator News
School Improvement Plan Goal (SIP)
This Year our focus as a school related to Catholic Culture and Catholic Curriculum is:
Deeply embed Vision and Mission statement in all aspects of our Catholic school culture.
Throughout the year we aim to:
* align some of our liturgies with our new Vision and Mission statement.
* promote our Vision and Mission statement to the wider community.
* adjust our school prayer to incorporate our new Vision and Mission statement with in the prayer.
Jubilee Year of Hope Diocesan Launch
As you would have read in Mr Treloar’s section of the newsletter Pope Francis has called this Jubilee Year a year of Hope. Our Bishop has called us to participate in the Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage from Nobby’s Beach (8am) to sacred Heart Cathedral, culminating in Mass (10am) and a Festival (11am) in the Cathedral precinct grounds on Sunday 2nd March 2025. We as a school will fly our school banner to make our community known. Please join us on this special occasion, all are welcome.
Change to Liturgy Time
This year Liturgies will be held every second Friday afternoon at 2:30pm. They will be on a rotation with school assemblies. There will be the odd occasion where a liturgy may be during the week but all liturgies will be advertised through the newsletter.
Staff and Student Commissioning Liturgy, 21st February
Everyone is welcome to attend our first Liturgy for the year which is our Staff and student Commissioning Liturgy. During this liturgy year 6 students will be presented with their leadership badgers, Teachers will be introduced to the school community and pledge their commitment. This Liturgy will be Friday 21st February at 2:15pm in our school hall, please come and join us.
Term 1 Fundraising

Our first fundraiser will be Shrove Tuesday or better known as Pancake Tuesday (4th March) where the staff will provide pancakes for the students to buy. More details closer to the date.
Pastoral Care
Seasons for Growth
Everyone is affected by change and loss at some time in our lives. We recognise that when changes occur such as separation, divorce, death and school transitions young people may benefit from learning the skills to manage these changes effectively. We are therefore pleased to be offering an education program called Seasons for Growth. This program ran at OLV in 2024 with great outcomes for our children, we are confident that it will again be a valuable learning experience for those involved. Please note this program in not designed for kinder students.
If you think your child/children would enjoy joining the Seasons for Growth program, we encourage you to talk to him/her about it and contact Mrs. Telford.
If you require further information, please email
In order to Volunteer at OLV you are required to complete the Volunteer Induction and be cleared by the Catholic Schools Office to Volunteer.
Please follow this link
and complete the steps.
If your child will be seeing a provider (e.g. speech therapist or occupational therapist) this year at school, please complete the attached application form and return to school. If you require further information, please don't hesitate to contact the office.
OLV uses the "Compass" App. Log in details for parents/carers have been emailed to all new parents. If you are still unable to login, or your account has been made inactive, please contact Leanne in the office to arrange a reset of your password.
- For all new families please familiarise yourself with the information booklet you received in your information pack or enrolment pack, "Parent Portal Compass User Guide" This is also attached
- Only Parents/Carers have access to Compass Parent Portal. Parents must have separate email addresses in order to both have access to compass
- New Users when logging into Compass are given the opportunity to update their details. It has been noted that some parents have updated their mobile phone number by taking out the gaps within the phone number. This is not required. The system requires phones numbers to be in this format
- REMINDER: PLEASE ONLY EXPLAIN WHOLE DAY ABSENCES - PLEASE DO NOT REPORT PARTIAL ABSENCES through the Compass App. Reporting partial absences will cause inconsistences with your child's attendance
- SMS's are sent to parents of students who are absent from 9.35am each weekday morning. You will receive a text message if your child was not present during the marking the roll process. Please logon onto compass and explain your child's absence. Do not reply to the text as compass does not accept reply texts
- Please notify the office beforehand if your child is going to arrive late; you will however still receive an SMS. The arrival time of the student will be logged as an explained absence when they present to school on their arrival
- On occasion you may be sent a text message even though your child is in attendance at school, this may be because they have arrived late and not come to the Office for sign in. If your child is late, please come into the Office with your child and sign them in via the compass kiosk.
Part of “progress” is moving towards a cashless society. To assist with the banking, ordering and handling of money, we are moving more of our payments to the Qkr system.
You will find attached instructions for the QKR App. This easy to use phone app gives you the flexibility to place orders for Canteen and fundraisers from your phone. It also reduces the need for your child to bring cash to school. Please remember to amend your child's year group on the QKR App to aid the timely collection of their order. We will be moving to a wider usage of this app as the year progresses.
- Make sure your child matches the class they are in now. You may need to go to your account settings and change their class. This will have to be completed at the beginning of every school year
- Please do not send in a paper bag as well as ordering online; this will stop any double up of ordering
- If your child is away or sick and you have ordered their lunch, you have until 8.00 am to cancel your order on QKR and receive a credit for next time
- All ordering is now closing at 8.15 am Monday morning. This allows enough time to print out the relevant reports for our volunteer ladies
- As of Term 2 all lunch orders will only be able to be ordered through QKR. Cash on the day will only be for ice blocks, lollies and chips.
We will be looking at providing this service for other quick financial transactions such as sausage sizzles, raffles, pie drives etc,
Thaks to everyone for taking up this service.
Health Care Card
All families with a valid Health Care Card can receive 50% of their tuition fee. If you have a valid Health Care Card please email it through to, I will then return your email with the link for you to complete.
We would like to wish the following children a Happy Birthday.
Kindergarten | Eleanor B, Chaz A, Cairo A |
Year 1 | Bruce C, Hannah |
Year 2 | Oriana H, Henry B, Archer R |
Year 3 | |
Year 4 | Henry W, Tomi O, Ruby H |
Year 5 | Elsa S, Lily P, Afia O |
Year 6 |
Congratulations and we hope you had a happy day
Uniform Pool
Our OLV uniform pool is run by volunteers and aims to provide second-hand school uniforms at an affordable price for all families.
The uniform pool will be open on Tuesday mornings (8.45-9.15am) and Wednesday afternoons (2.45pm till 3.10pm). Please enquire at the office if you need to access the uniform pool outside of these times.
Purchases can be made using cash or EFTPOS. We can no longer accept direct deposit payments.
We are currently especially low in stock of sizes 8-12 and would appreciate any donations of outgrown uniforms that are in a wearable condition. These can be left at the school office.
Thanks for your support.
You will be able to access the school newsletter here, special dates notifications and other messages from time to time.
Go to this link to download the Schoolzine App: